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Project Development

The property market is starting to recover again. The number of transactions is growing, the vacancy levels seem to be solvable and there are plenty of opportunities being created through transformation and renovation. Project development is in a state of flux with the focus firmly on the client. The reuse of existing property with attention for sustainability and energy efficiency has become an everyday challenge

For us, project development is a collective term for project development, redevelopment, renovation and transformation of property. The mutual cooperation between market players and cooperation with the government are central to this.

Highlighting legal aspects, risks and interests

In a dynamic process such as project development, different interests play a role and risks must be continually weighed up. Before it has been decided whether the planned new development or redevelopment will take place or be sold, investments will have already been made in construction plans, purchasing building land and concluding contracts.

Besides professional knowledge and an eye for the fiscal context, experience and knowledge about the market are also essential in this playing field. Due to our unique experience with large project developments for public authorities and private investors, we are well versed in all the legal aspects and we know exactly what the different interests are of the parties involved. We can point out legal and financial risks and offset these in agreements. In this way we can ensure a smooth cooperation between the parties involved during the implementation.

Project Development Expert Team

With a multidisciplinary team of specialised lawyers in the field of project development, we provide comprehensive legal support for all phases of project development and redevelopment, including purchase and sale. Our focus is not only on housing, offices and shops, but also on social property, healthcare property, logistics property and hotel property. We would like to guide you in a pragmatic way through the legislation and regulations to help you achieve your goal. We are more familiar than anyone else with the integrated approach that is required in project development and the way in which municipalities usually operate in relation to this.

Our Project Development Expert Team has extensive experience with providing advice in the real estate sector of property developers, occupants, investors, property funds, public authorities and housing associations. The team is specialised in the areas of law necessary for project development and also has the broad expertise that enables it to quickly pinpoint which specific knowledge needs to be applied. This concerns specifically expertise related to:

  • acquiring land/property
  • obtaining the necessary public law licences
  • setting up collaborative arrangements
  • project financing
  • drawing up integrated contract forms
  • contracting designers and parties who will carry out the work
  • the exploitation of the project (lease contract, green lease)
  • the purchase and sale of the property (turnkey purchase agreement)
  • the issuance of leasehold and division in apartment rights.

Do you want legal support in managing your project and do you want to ensure that your project will not be tripped up unnecessarily by a legal obstacle? Or would you like to exchange ideas with us about (a part of) your project? We would be happy to assist you. Please contact Mark Birnage.